Hydroflux Becomes Australia’s First Carbon Neutral Water-Tech Organisation
February 28, 2022
As part of our commitment to positive climate action, the Hydroflux Group has achieved Climate Active Certification as a Carbon Neutral Organisation – an Australian first for a Water-Tech Organisation.

For our clients this means you are engaging with a carbon neutral organisation without increasing your carbon footprint and you are supporting positive and verified action on climate change.
Climate Active certification aligns our values, business objectives and further direction by connecting our activities in the sustainable water and energy arenas with our values of reducing carbon emissions and our mission of Protecting Our Most Valuable Resources.

Hydroflux intends to remain at the forefront of research in the water industry with a particular focus on reducing emissions.
Our commitment to addressing climate change extends beyond reducing emissions and being carbon neutral. We also believe in supporting our people and our clients in their understanding of the impacts of climate change, and the risks it presents on both a personal and business level as well as the opportunities within their grasp.
About Climate Active
Climate Active is Australia’s initiative for climate action. It was established to grow awareness of a carbon neutral certification and to promote positive action on climate change. Its vision is to counter climate change with emissions reductions and offsets. As a partnership between Australian Government (administered by the Commonwealth Government, Dept of Industry, Science, Energy and Resource) it is the most credible way to prove a carbon neutral claim.
About Hydroflux
The Hydroflux Group consist of eleven specialist companies which aim to deliver the highest level of engineering and scientific knowhow to the emerging issues of sustainability, climate adaption and environmental protection with a specific focus on water and wastewater.
The Group employees over 100 staff and operates throughout Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands with office locations in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Auckland, Suva and Portsmouth.
Hydroflux Pty Ltd
Level 26, 44 Market St. Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
P +61 2 9089 8833 F +61 2 9089 8830
[email protected]
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Our Journey to Climate Active Certification
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