
Whether your poultry processing plant is in an urban or regional area, and you discharge wastewater to trade waste or the environment, irrigate or intend to reuse the treated wastewater, Hydroflux will always design and construct a wastewater treatment plant to suit your specific needs.

Hydroflux has experience and a range of products and designs suited for wastewater treatment from poultry processing facilities including; DAF systems, anaerobic and aerobic plant, and associated sludge handling equipment. We also provide process water and advanced water treatment solutions and undertake complete design and construct contracts.

A wastewater treatment plant designed and constructed by Hydroflux in Fiji for a poultry processor with discharge to the local creek

Find out more

Urban sites
Regional sites
Advanced water treatment
Design and Construct

For urban facilities where wastewater is discharged to sewer as trade waste, Hydroflux would typically supply one of number of types of automated rotary screens followed by a HyDAF system which will generally enable compliance with trade waste discharge requirements.

Hydroflux will always design the system with an appropriate chemical program to suit the desired degree of treatment. Chemical programs can involve one or a combination of pH control, coagulation and flocculation.


Hydroflux will always consider each project on its own merits taking into account performance requirements, CAPEX and OPEX. We use process equipment and designs mostly sourced from our own proprietary range and will  undertake turnkey design and construct contracts.

Dissolved air flotation

A HyDAF HD-35 being offloaded into a further processing plant. The wastewater is chemically conditioned upstream of the DAF and treated water is directed to the local sewer

The capacity of the balancing facilities, the size and configuration of the DAF, and the chemical program applied to the wastewater will always depend on type of processing facility and the discharge water quality required, which varies considerably around the regions.

Hydroflux has a comprehensive range of dissolved air flotation models ranging in capacity from 10 kL/hr to 1000 kL/hr to suit any primary or further poultry processing application. The HyDAF dissolved air flotation units are configured with several options to accommodate automated removal of settled sludge and cleaning.



Hydroflux will calculate the volume of sludge that is generated based on wastewater flow, solids load, and chemical program employed, and will evaluate sludge handling as a separate project on its own merit. In cases where sludge dewatering is viable, Hydroflux will select the most appropriate dewatering system from its extensive range of dewatering products.

A screw press was selected for dewatering DAF sludge from a poultry facility which reduced the volume of sludge by more than 10-fold.

There are many factors that are used to determine the viability of onsite sludge dewatering including:

  • Wastewater flow
  • Incoming solids load
  • Level of treatment applied
  • Chemical programs used

  • Dewatering equipment used
  • Achievable dry solids concentration and volumes
  • Costs and disposal routes of slurries and dewatered cake
  • Liquid and solids handling methods

Further treatment

In some instances where sewer discharge requirements are outside the limitations of flotation technology, Hydroflux will design and construct a biological polishing stage down stream of the DAF.  Biological treatment is typically used to further reduce the organics (BOD and COD) and nutrients (Nitrogen and Phosphorous) which can be a requirement for discharge, economically viable based on trade waste costs, or as a precursor to enable recycling wastewater back to the processing plant.

Often MBBR processes are effective due to their compact nature, although alternative aerobic or anaerobic treatment processes can be suitable depending on the water quality required.

An MBBR is a suitable biological process to further reduce the organics and nutrients in poultry processing wastewater when required

Regional facilities offer more opportunities to incorporate sustainable anaerobic treatment processes that generate energy from wastewater.

Hydroflux will design the most suitable process from a comprehensive portfolio of primary treatment equipment followed by pond or tank based aerobic or anaerobic treatment plants configured to meet the tightest nutrient discharge limits or to enable potable or non-potable reuse.

Hydroflux has a wealth of experience in the design and construction of wastewater treatment systems and Advanced Water Treatment Plants that convert wastewater into potable water for the poultry industry. We have worked with many state and federal regulators such as Food Safe Australia and The EPA, and fully understand the regulations pertaining to the discharge or reuse of non potable and potable water.

Anaerobic treatment

Anaerobic treatment in the form of Covered Anaerobic Ponds (CALs) are an ideal solution to reduce the concentration of organic material in the wastewater whilst allowing the opportunity to generate biogas. CALs are best suited to large flow and organic loads such as those found at rendering facilities.

Hydroflux design and construct a range of anaerobic ponds and the associated biogas handling equipment to supplement the natural gas supply to boilers to creating electricity via Cogen plants.

A Covered Anaerobic Lagoon at the start of commissioning at a poultry rendering plant

Aerobic Treatment

To achieve a water quality that is suitable for irrigation or discharge to the environment, or if wastewater is to be reused, aerobic treatment is required. Hydroflux has a comprehensive range of aerobic treatment processes designed for the efficient removal of organics and nutrients. These designs include: SBRs, MBBRs, MBRs,  or activated sludge plants, all of which can be configured in above ground tanks or  in lagoons.

A wastewater treatment system at a poultry processing plant incorporating balancing, DAF and SBR. The treated wastewater is discharged to the local creek

Hydroflux has access to one the most efficient fine bubble diffuser systems in the Aerostrip which  reduces the power consumption for aerobic treatment by over 50% compared to conventional methods. Aerostrip fine bubble diffusers can be incorporated into tanks or lagoons

Sludge handling

Handling of waste activated sludge is an integral component of an aerobic wastewater treatment plant. Hydroflux has vast experience in  the dewatering of primary and secondary sludges using centrifuges, belt presses and screw presses.

The popularity of screw press has increased exponentially with recent advances in screw press design and are now favoured by municipalities and industry alike.  One of the main benefits of the screw press  is its ability to handle large volumes of dilute WAS (2000 – 3000 mg/L) directly from an aeration tank without the need for a pre-thickening stage.

Screw presses being used to dewater waste activated sludge directly from an SBR during the aeration cycle providing a very consistent feed and performance.

Process water treatment

Australia’s poultry industry have long been leaders in the sustainable management of water, pioneering the implementation of advanced water to the strictest of hygiene standards for reuse in direct contact with birds. The industry has also significantly reduced its water footprint, driving efficiencies to reduce water consumption from 22 – 25L down to <9 L per bird. The Hydroflux Group’s engineers and consultants who pioneered advanced water for the poultry industry over a decade ago are continuing to lead the efficiency drive of the poultry industry with advanced solutions tailored to minimise energy consumption and waste.

Hydroflux Solutions

Hydroflux have a range of proven, highly efficient process and advanced water solutions for the poultry industry, including:

  • Bore water treatment systems
  • Surface water treatment systems
  • Media Filtration & Activated carbon filtration
  • UV sterilisation
  • Ultrafiltration
  • Reverse Osmosis
  • Softening/Ion Exchange
  • Electrodeionization

Advanced Water

Advanced Water Treatment is the treatment of wastewater for direct potable use. Hydroflux engineers pioneered Advanced Water Treatment in the poultry  industry in the early 2000’s. Hydroflux continues to be at the forefront of Advanced Water Treatment and recycling technology and are investing in research into the treatment and recovery of salts so that in the future, and in particular, rural facilities and their communities will reap the benefits of Advanced Water Treatment.

Although an AWTP utilises a series of conventional wastewater and water treatment technologies such as Ultra Filtration , Reverse Osmosis and disinfection that can be applied down stream of a n aerobic biological plant, the main features of an AWTP are the implementation of 1), a multibarrier approach and 2), establishing a suitable and acceptable risk management plan.

The diagram below shows the relationship of framework elements for a recycled water management system that Hydroflux can provide including the design, construction and operation of the AWTP.

Source: NSW Guidance for Recycled Water Management systems – Department of Primary Industries Office of Water. May 2015

The processes required to embark on an AWTP project are not insignificant so working with a company that has a proven track record is essential. As well as having the experience and skills to design and construct an Advanced Water Treatment Plant, Hydroflux will also work with you to develop the risk management plan and obtain approvals from all stake holders prior to construction.

Design and construct solutions for Process and Advanced Water Treatment

As a specialist in both water and wastewater treatment, our team are uniquely placed to offer complete support for all water services. We understand how process water management impacts on wastewater costs and vice versa. Procurement of water and wastewater projects through a single contractor offers customers significant benefits in terms of management of process risk, as well as cost savings in project delivery, through consolidated design, project management, site supervision and commissioning.

A 250kLD process water treatment plant constructed by Hydroflux incorporating a HyPURE MMF and RO systems


Hydroflux employs qualified civil, mechanical, chemical and electrical engineers plus a team of experienced project managers, site supervisors, commissioning engineers and service technicians based in offices in most capital cities providing a local presence throughout the duration of the project.

All projects are conducted under externally approved occupational health and safety, and environmental management systems.

Hydroflux is Australia’s first Water-tech company to achieve Climate Active certifications which means his means you are engaging with a carbon neutral organisation without increasing your carbon footprint and you are supporting positive and verified action on climate change.

Construction of a turnkey wastewater treatment plant at a new food production facility in SA.

Hydroflux can complete all the following works in-house which are typically required to construct a wastewater treatment plant.

  • Process design, development of PID’s and HAZOPS reviews
  • Establishment of the most suitable wastewater treatment plant layout
  • Equipment and component selection
  • Civil and building designs including preparation of documentation for council or other regulators
  • Electrical design and programming
  • Project management and site supervision
  • Environmental / Occupational health and safety plans and report
  • Quality assurance plans
  • Earthworks, civil works, building works, mechanical and electrical installation
  • Commissioning, training and documentation as required.

Stainless steel panel tanks are often used for aeration tanks.

The utilities division provides the link to integrating the Hydroflux® businesses by providing a comprehensive support network for customers throughout Australia.

Hydroflux Utilities provides virtually any form of wastewater management programs including:

Chemical optimisation

Hydroflux has a comprehensive range of coagulants, antiscalants, acids/alkalis, oxidizing/reducing agents and other chemicals suitable for conditioning process water feed prior to and after treatment. We also offer a range of proprietary cleaning and sanitizing agents. Our chemists work hand in hand with the project delivery team to develop the most appropriate chemical program tailored specifically to individual sites needs.

Preventative maintenance and service

Our engineers and technicians will discuss service and maintenance programs with you during construction of the treatment plant so that you can be assured that the system will perform consistently from day one. There are many types of programs available from routine preventative maintenance, periodic

service and overhauls, to complete plant operation. Our technicians are available 24/7 to attend to unforeseen breakdowns.

Biological plant modelling

Hydroflux designs, operates and maintains biological wastewater treatment plants and we are familiar with the many causes of failure and malfunction.  Via routine site attendance or online remote monitoring of the  biological operating parameters, Hydroflux engineers can predict potential process issues to minimise any impact on the performance of the plant or prevent even problems from happening.

Remote monitoring

Our proprietary HyCONNECT™ remote monitoring system is installed in all our process water plants as standard, enabling instant online technical support and troubleshooting.  Specialty  solutions are offered for remote locations with reduced cell coverage. No matter where you are, our team of specialists are never more than a phone call away.

Installation of Aerostrip diffusers into an SBR constructed in a lagoon at a rendering facility
Installation of Aerostrip diffusers into an SBR constructed in a lagoon at a rendering facility
Construction of an inground 15 m diameter clarifier and HyDAF system
Construction of an inground 15 m diameter clarifier and HyDAF system
A BNR plant using a custom designed decanter
A BNR plant using a custom designed decanter
Installation of a liner in a covered anaerobic lagoon
Installation of a liner in a covered anaerobic lagoon
D&C of a primary and MBBR treatment plant at a food processing facility
D&C of a primary and MBBR treatment plant at a food processing facility
D&C of a primary treatment plant involving 2 x HD250V HyDAF systems at an abattoir
D&C of a primary treatment plant involving 2 x HD250V HyDAF systems at an abattoir
Hygienic process water plant for distillery, NSW
Hygienic process water plant for distillery, NSW
Hydroflux HyPURE® RO systems are n integral components of an Advanced Water Treatment Plant
Hydroflux HyPURE® RO systems are n integral components of an Advanced Water Treatment Plant
HyPURE® Ultrafiltration system for potable water production at a winery in SA
HyPURE® Ultrafiltration system for potable water production at a winery in SA
HyPURE® RO containerized bore water treatment
HyPURE® RO containerized bore water treatment
Multimedia filtration system
Multimedia filtration system
Chemical test work and actual treatment of wastewater in a DAF system at a further poultry processing plant
Chemical test work and actual treatment of wastewater in a DAF system at a further poultry processing plant
View of balance tank and SBR at a poultry processing plant in Fiji designed and constructed by Hydroflux
View of balance tank and SBR at a poultry processing plant in Fiji designed and constructed by Hydroflux
Screw presses being  used for dewatering DAF sludge and waste activated sludge at a poultry processing plant in Fiji
Screw presses being used for dewatering DAF sludge and waste activated sludge at a poultry processing plant in Fiji
A HyDAF HD-75 treating wastewater  at a poultry processing plant in Fiji
A HyDAF HD-75 treating wastewater at a poultry processing plant in Fiji
Skid mounted HyPURE® RO for demin water production Skid mounted HyPURE® RO for demin water production
Stainless steel tanks for process water storage Stainless steel tanks for process water storage
Deployable HyPURE® RO bore water system for poultry processing in WA
Deployable HyPURE® RO bore water system for poultry processing in WA
Expertise in plug and play containerized filtration solutions
Expertise in plug and play containerized filtration solutions
Hydroflux designs and models all water and wastewater treatment plants in 3D
Hydroflux designs and models all water and wastewater treatment plants in 3D
Sludge being scraped off a DAF system operating at a primary poultry processing plant
Sludge being scraped off a DAF system operating at a primary poultry processing plant
A HyDAF HD-100 treating wastewater  at a poultry processing plant in QLD
A HyDAF HD-100 treating wastewater at a poultry processing plant in QLD
Hydroflux offer the complete D&C solutions for process water treatment systems up to 50 MLD
Hydroflux offer the complete D&C solutions for process water treatment systems up to 50 MLD

HyPURE® Ultrafiltration

The treatment of water and wastewater to meet the high standards for process use or reuse requires the highest grades…

Multimedia Filtration

The HyPURE Multimedia filtration system is a compact, robust and economical solution designed and manufactured by Hydroflux. With nearly 50…

HyPURE® RO Systems

The Hydroflux HyPURE® range of brackish water reverse osmosis systems’ offer high efficiency, a low energy design and exceptional performance…